Movement at work is possible and important! Before trying any of these movements at work, be sure that your work area is free from any potential hazards such as an open drawer or chair. Also, be sure that you are wearing appropriate shoes for the type of movement you will be doing. Always stay safe. Improve your movement by asking a team member to join you.
Lets be sure that your desk is setup properly to avoid any potential aches and pains.
So, be sure to use part of your lunch break to take a lap around the office park or come early/stay late to extend the walking time. Learn all about the benefits of walk, how to get the most out of it, and proper walking stance at Mayo.
Stretching is another simple movement that can be done at your work station with many great benefits. The benefits include better range of motion, prevention of injury, increased flexibility, and blood flow. Learn more about the benefits of stretching at Mayo as well as watch the videos below to stretch right at your desk!
Who says you can't have a little workout at work! If you need a little more pick me up or an extra dose of movement to break away from sitting, here are a some more heart pumping workouts that you can do while in your work area. Before doing these more involved movements, be sure that your work area provides your clear space to move, there aren't obstacles in the way to create a hazard, and that you are wearing appropriate footwear to prevent injury.