The benefits of reading is far reaching, including: increases vocabulary, enhances empathy, reduces stress, improves writing skills, exercises the brain, improves focus and concentration, provides stronger analytical skills, and improves memory. Who is ready to pick up a book and start making a difference in your life? The Exemplar Library is filled with books ranging in topics from customer service to team, that will not only enhance your own well being and development, but also encourage increased capacity as a team member. We encourage you to keep learning through reading. Reading books from our Library also provides a bonus, read a book, complete a write up as described below, and add $50 to your wallet! Lets keep growing.
Reading Bonus Details
Report requirements. Each report must consist of:
A brief overview of the book;
Best takeaway;
How methods introduced can be implemented into your employed position;
Do the methods introduced affect your professional goals or change them?;
Most impactful or favorite quote from the book;
Any additional ideas are welcome.
Check out a book from the JANE Library by signing it out on the designated form. Write a report to include the above mentioned aspects. Return the book to the lending library and provide a report to Danae. After the report is reviewed and approved (for meeting requirements) your Book Club payment will be included in your next paycheck.
Cannot write more than one report per book.
Limit of 8 reports per year
Can discuss books with co-workers, but each report must be independently written.
Check only one book out at a time.
If a book is lost, please inform Danae as soon as possible and we will discuss replacement options.
Reading is to be done on personal time.
Feel free to offer suggestions for new library resources